Chimney Maintenance
-Don't burn green (recently split) wood. Doing so produces more creosote. (That's the dirty stuff in your chimney)
-Make sure your chimney is capped; when the top is covered with wire mesh.
-Make sure your chminey is clean. The right mix of fire and oxygen can cause a chimney fire.
-Install carbon monoxide detectors. Prevent suffocation caused by bad ac systems and clogged chimneys.
Change Filters
Keeping filters fresh is a key way of staying healthy. Also, you can get double the life on disposable filters by vacuuming them once before throwing them out.
Turn Off Outdoor Water & Store Hoses
Turn off the outside water, disconnect your garden hoses, and store them somewhere until spring. If you don't, you may face water backing up and freezing inside your exterior wall plumbing.