50 Organization Tips
Patio Table w/ Ice Boxes
A must-have for small groups of guests and large parties. Build patio tables w/ built-in ice boxes; attach handles and hinges for easier access.
Curtain Life-Hacks
This is definitely one worth looking into. The title says it all: never buy curtains again. These ingenious tips can make your curtain look almost any way you'd like.
Glowing Table
If you're a fan of glow-in-the-dark things, you'll want to check out how to make this glowing table.
Get properly prepared to fight the cold weather & debris-covered roads. Learn how to make the time of year we all hate more managable.
Easy Bed Frame
Looking to have a custom raised bed frame? Follow the link here to make a bed frame that matches perfectly with your room and makes getting in and out of bed more comfortable.